Magic Exhibition

Magic Exhibition

An exhibition about the history of magic which is the result of many years of research and fantastic discoveries. It's full of surprises and one of a kind in Finland.
The Magic Museum presents the finest objects, selected with care, which gives the audience an easily approached, diverse and inspiring insight into the world of magic.
Among the museum pieces you'll find posters, photo canvases, photographs, games, books, old cards, automats, big illusions, paintings and old magic boxes, plus much more.
When you step into an exhibition about magic you will open the door to a cultural adventure!

Exhibitor: the professional magician Mano d´Oro.

Tickets are available on-site:
Adults 10€
Retirees and students 8€
School childrens 2€

Ticket reservations and more information
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Read more about Mano d´Oro:


Startar 29.06.2020 11:00
Evenemangskategorier Theatre and performance